Lesson Plans Sept. 5-8

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Advanced Journalism

Tuesday-continue Gauger edits, brainstorm business ads

Wednesday-business sales continued, theme development

Thursday-theme development with yearbook rep

Friday-AP Style Quiz


Tuesday-present Supreme Court cases, takes notes over other cases

Wednesday-study of Jason Aldean’s song-did CMT violate 1st Amendment rights?

Thursday-test review for Supreme Court decisions

Friday-AP Style Quiz, Supreme Court test

Lesson Plans August 21-25

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Advanced Journalism


Theme development for yearbook, brainstorm newspaper ideas for first edition

Journalism 1


TEKS ยง110.62(b)(3)(A): Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of news.

The fundamentals of news. Students will view video and answer worksheet that reinforces learning from last week.


News Values-Students will learn the different news values and identify those values in stories.


Test over news elements and values


Begin 1st Amendment study-assign important court cases to research


AP Style Quiz, continue 1st Amendment research

Lesson Plans August 15-18

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Periods 2-4

Monday-No School


Class Procedures and Expectations, Student Info Sheet



Students will discuss and evaluate different leadership styles. Students will complete the leadership style reflection PDF; discuss the results as a full class. Students will get into assigned groups and research leadership style surveys.



Students will take individual leadership style survey and write a reflection paper about their results. Students should evaluate how they use their leaderships traits in class, as well as outside of class.


Students will present their findings and reflection to the class.

Periods 5-8

Monday-No School


Class Procedures and Expectations, Student Info Sheet



What is News notes. Complete handout on news or not news? Discuss.


Podcast, Complete listening guide

Opinion creep: How facts lost ground in the battle for our attention


Preview sample AP style quiz, will begin with rules and testing next week

Complete Checkology What is News?



Week of Sept. 12-16

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Monday-Students will take pictures at the elementary recess time for a yearbook assignment.

Tuesday-Students will identify these students pictured from yesterday and delete any bad, blurry photos.

Wednesday-Students will take notes over caption writing. We will practice writing captions together.

Thursday-Students will go to elementary to get quotes for their selected pictures.

Friday-AP Style Quiz

Week of August 22-26

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Monday-students will take notes over Crash Course Media Literacy (History of Journalism-Part 1) video, we will discuss how the history of journalism has shaped our country, Introduction to First Amendment

Tuesday-First Amendment activity, students will be assigned court cases to research

Wednesday-class time for research

Thursday-present findings on each court case, display visuals

Friday-Current Event Friday (students will present the current event of their choice)

Week of Aug. 15-19

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Monday-Class time to finish All About Me slide, fill out google form

Tuesday-All classes will go over procedures/policies for their respective course. We will also do an icebreaker activity, followed by proper professional communication training.


5th period-Introduction to Media Literacy. We will watch video and complete notes as we go.

2nd, 4th & 7th periods-Work on yearbook theme development and newspaper pitches.

3rd & 6th periods-Work on news lead writing





Course Expectations

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Course Syllabus_Expectations

Please see the attached Course Syllabus. It contains important information such as online learning procedures, class supplies, google classroom codes and class expectations.

At the end of the syllabus is a google form link that confirms the student is aware of expectations/consequences. Submission of this document serves as a course contract agreement that can be referenced at a later date if needed.

2021 School Supply List

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Everyone that is enrolled in my class, no matter what section you are in, will need a 1 inch binder. This is where your daily bell ringer activities, class notes and handouts will stay. You will not be allowed to leave your binder in my room. You will also need blue or black pens and a highlighter. Aside from those basic supplies, most of your work will be done on your chromebook. Many of your writing assignments will be turned in through Google classroom.

If you are on my UIL Journalism team, you will need a separate binder. This will travel with you to and from UIL meets. You will keep your notes and papers with judges comments in this binder. Please have this ASAP so we can start adding documents to the notebook in our preparation to reclaim the state journalism championship.